JAPAN’S ENJOYABLE PUBLIC AQUARIUMS [POLICY RELATED NEWS II] Holding of the Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2024 (JSIP2024)

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The venue of last year’s symposium (JSIP2023)

The Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2024 (JSIP2024) will be held in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, on October 24 and 25, 2024, focusing on judicial decisions related to intellectual property (IP) disputes and recent IP topics. Pre-registration is required for the participation in the symposium which is also available to online viewers via the simultaneous Internet streaming. The following is an overview of the symposium and information on how to participate.

The Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property (JSIP), which started in 2017, is now in its eighth year, under the joint sponsorship of the Supreme Court of Japan, the Intellectual Property High Court, the Ministry of Justice, the Japan Patent Office, the Japan Federation of Bar Associations, and the Intellectual Property Lawyers Network Japan. The symposium, which brings together trial examiners and other legal professionals from Europe, the United States, and Asian countries, serves to provide an update on the IP judicial system in Japan as well as the systems and procedures in other countries / regions around the world, which attracts many participants each year. The theme of this year’s symposium is “IP Dispute Resolution in Japan, the United States and Europe,” where judges and trial examiners from the US and Europe will be invited to participate in mock trials, mock oral proceedings and panel discussions based on the latest information in this field. (For more details, see the program attached afterwards.)

On the first day, October 24, where the courts will be in charge of the program, the judges and lawyers from Japan, Europe, the US, and the UK will conduct mock trials for their respective countries/regions based on identical patent validity cases argued in patent infringement litigation, presenting their courts’ decisions on patent infringement. In the second half of the program, the judges and lawyers from each country / region will hold a panel discussion by reviewing the mock trials, in order to deepen mutual understanding by comparing frameworks for deciding patent validity and how the trial proceedings should be, in addition to exchanging opinions on the latest IP dispute procedures in each country / region.

On the second day, October 25, where the patent offices will be in charge of the program, there will be presentations on the recent trends in the IP judicial fields in various countries / regions by the Director-General of the Trial and Appeal Department of the Japan Patent Office, the Chief Administrative Patent Judge of the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and the Chair of the Legal Board of Appeal of the European Patent Office. Next, mock oral proceedings by the Japan Patent Office will be conducted in a realistic manner including the examination of a witness. Then, a panel discussion will be held to exchange opinions on the topics of oral proceedings and determining novelty and inventive step, based on the hypothetical cases addressed in the mock oral proceedings.


Panel discussion at the Patent Office Part of last year’s symposium (JSIP2023). Trial examiners and other legal professionals from various Asian countries participated as panelists.

Through the two-day program, the symposium should provide a valuable opportunity not only for lawyers and patent attorneys involved in IP litigation but also for industry representatives and researchers to deepen mutual understanding of IP legal and judicial systems.

Judicial Symposium on Intellectual Property / TOKYO 2024 (JSIP2024) 
— IP Dispute Resolution in Japan, the United States and Europe —
Program (Tentative)

Thursday, October 24 13:30 – 18:00 / Court Part 

  1. Mock Trials by Japan, the Unified Patent Court, the United States and England & Wales (Cases Where Patent Validity is Disputed in Patent Infringement Litigation)
  2. Panel Discussion (Examination of Patent Validity in Court)
    Panelists: Judges and lawyers from Japan, Europe, the US, and the UK

Friday, October 25 13:30 – 18:00 / Patent Office Part

  1. Presentations (The Current State of Trials/Appeals, Relationship between the Patent Office and Courts)
  2. Mock Oral Proceedings by the Japan Patent Office
  3. Panel Discussion (Oral proceedings, Determination of novelty and inventive step)
    Panelists: Administrative Judges from Japan, the US and Europe

All programs with simultaneous interpretation in English and Japanese

♦How to participate (on-site participation, viewing of the simultaneous Internet stream)
Pre-registration is required [https://jsip-tokyo.go.jp/2024/en/]

Venue: Auditorium “CREO,” Bar Associations Building, 1-1-3 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Venue capacity: 250 people (tentative)  

Pre-registration is required for either on-site attendance or viewing the simultaneous Internet stream.
Simultaneous interpretation will be provided in English and Japanese for all events in the program.

Commemorative photo of the speakers at last year’s symposium (JSIP2023)

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