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Commemorative photo with participants of the 2nd AZEC Ministerial Meeting.

The simultaneous realization of decarbonization, economic growth, and energy security is a global challenge these days. Based on this, the 2nd Asia Zero Emission Community (hereinafter, "AZEC") Ministerial Meeting, consisting of 11 partner countries* including Japan, was held in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 21, 2024. An overview of the meeting and its results is presented below.

About AZEC

Asian countries with remarkable economic growth are expected to keep seeing growing energy demand, but they currently depend on fossil fuels for much of their energy needs. At the same time, since it is a global challenge to promote efforts toward decarbonization with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality/net-zero**, it is becoming extremely important, especially in Asian countries, to find a balance between economic growth and stable energy supply. Therefore, AZEC was proposed by Japan to support and cooperate with the decarbonization efforts of Asian countries in 2022. Last year in 2023, the 1st AZEC Ministerial Meeting and the 1st AZEC Leaders Meeting were held in March and December, respectively, to formulate basic principles for decarbonization, as well as to promote the implementation of concrete cooperation projects and a transition to energy supply not dependent on fossil fuels.

Key Points of the 2nd AZEC Ministerial Meeting

The meeting was co-chaired by participating ministers from Japan and the host country, Indonesia, and attended by ministers and representatives from 11 countries and relevant organizations, who reported on the status of their respective decarbonization efforts. The AZEC Advocacy Group Roundtable also presented the Joint Recommendation compiled by the AZEC Advocacy Group Roundtable to the ministers. A ceremony was held to commemorate the launch of the Asia Zero Emission Center, established within the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), with a tree-planting ceremony held by participating ministers. The Asia Zero Emission Center plans to conduct research and analysis for policy coordination, including the development of a decarbonization roadmap for the power sector. In addition, an MOU*** Ceremony was held to confirm about 70 MOUs for international cooperation projects to achieve carbon neutrality/net-zero emissions. Other events included a meeting of the AZEC Advocacy Group and a business forum attended by companies from partner countries.

The presentation of the Joint Recommendation compiled by the conference of the AZEC Advocacy Group to the ministers at the 2nd AZEC Ministerial Meeting.

A tree-planting ceremony by AZEC participating ministers at the Asia Zero Emission Center launch ceremony.

MOU Ceremony. 

AZEC Business forum

In closing

A Joint Statement was adopted as a result of this meeting. It reaffirms AZEC principles of aiming to address climate change, realize economic growth, and achieve energy security simultaneously, and of promoting carbon neutrality/net zero through various and practical pathways that take into account each country’s unique circumstances. It also includes an agreement on initiatives in the power, transport, and industry sectors with a view to the next decade. The next AZEC Ministerial Meeting will be co-chaired by Japan and Malaysia and is scheduled for 2025.

Details of the meeting and the Joint Statement are available on METI's website.

* The 11 partner countries: Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Japan, Lao PDR, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Viet Nam. (Country names are abbreviated)
** Since it is impossible to completely eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, emissions are offset through absorption by forests and removal by CO2 capture technologies, meaning that emissions are virtually eliminated.
*** Abbreviation of "Memorandum of Understanding." An agreement or memorandum of understanding in the preliminary stage before a contract, treaty, or agreement is formally concluded.

Dates and times of the 2nd AZEC Ministerial Meeting and related events

August 20 August 21
10:00 - 16:30
AZEC Advocacy Group Roundtable
9:10 - 11:55
AZEC Business forum

9:30 - 11:35
2nd AZEC Ministerial Meeting

12:00 - 12:30
Ceremony to commemorate the launch of the Asia Zero Emission Center

12:35 - 13:20
MOU Ceremony

14:00 - 14:30
Press Conference (Ministers of JPN/IDN/MYS)
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