VOL.195 AUGUST 2024
EXPLORE THE UNIQUE CHARM OF MANGA IN JAPAN [POLICY-RELATED NEWS] The Ministry of Justice of Japan convened the 1st ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum

Group photo

The 1st ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum was held in Tokyo from June 26 to July 2, 2024. This is the forum that young officials from Justice Ministries and relevant government institutions from 18 countries and organization of ASEAN and the G7 gathered to discuss policy issues and efforts related to promoting the rule of law, among other topics. An overview of the conference and its outcomes follows.

Significance and Overview

The ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum is an initiative proposed by Japan at the ASEAN-G7 Justice Ministers’ Interface held last July, aimed at promoting and strengthening the rule of law in the international community. Participants at the Interface supported Japan’s proposal to establish the forum.

The forum aims to foster “horizontal” or “inter-regional” connections promoting mutual understanding and forming partnerships that will serve as a foundation for future cooperation in the field of law and justice by facilitating discussions on policy issues and efforts beyond the cultural, social and institutional differences of ASEAN and the G7 countries. Additionally, it seeks to establish an alumni network, creating “vertical” or “inter-generational” connections to establish long-term trust and provide a basis for future cooperation.

For its inaugural forum, 55 young officials from the Justice Ministries and other relevant government institutions from 18 countries and organization of ASEAN and the G7 participated. The participants engaged in group discussions and presented their findings on policy issues in the field of law and justice within their respective countries. They also discussed strategies on “how to ensure and develop human resources in the law and justice field, taking into account gender perspectives”.

Additionally, to support the discussions, lectures were delivered by Mr. TAKASHIMA Ryosuke, Mayor of Ashiya City, Hyogo Prefecture, Ms. Mildred Bernadette B. Alvor, Assistant Chief State Counsel, Department of Justice of the Republic of the Philippines, and Ms. KAWAMOTO Yuko, President of the National Personnel Authority of Japan, on the qualities necessary for leaders involved in policy-making in their respective countries.

At the sideline of the forum, participants visited multiple law and justice institutions in Japan such as correctional facilities, the Supreme Court, the National Diet, and offender rehabilitation facilities to gain deeper understanding of the Japanese legal systems.

Group discussion

Group presentation

Excursion to correctional facility

Achievements and Outlook

The first forum concluded successfully, with participants commenting that “working with colleagues from ASEAN and the G7 and learning about the similar challenges each country may face in the legal and judicial fields was very helpful in bringing differences and deepening our understanding and appreciation” and “the personal connections that were made among the participants will facilitate future cooperation”. The forum effectively built mutual understanding and trust beyond ASEAN and the G7 frameworks.

The Ministry of Justice of Japan hopes to continue hosting this forum regularly, so that participants can leverage the experience and networks gained to promote the rule of law as leaders in the field of law and justice in their respective countries. The Ministry also anticipates that the forum will act as a bridge for cooperation between ASEAN and the G7 countries.

After the completion of all programme

The logo of the ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum

The 1st ASEAN-G7 Next Leaders Forum is supported by the Japan-ASEAN Integration Fund (JAIF).

Photo: Ministry of Justice

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